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About Breen Systems

    Breen Systems Management, Inc. is an independent developer and reseller

of specific vertical and horizontal application software solutions. The Firm was

founded in 1974 by James J. Breen, Jr. and has twenty-four associates, many of

whom have ten or more years with the Firm.
James J. Breen, Jr., now Chairman, was employed by the NCR Corporation

for twenty years; the last ten years as manager, data processing system sales in

Vermont and northern New York. The diversification which the Company enjoys

results from experience gained during that period. The majority of funding for the

Firm was obtained from Burlington, Vermont area business owners.
Breen Systems is now in its 23rd year and supports more than 300 clients in 9

major Markets in Vermont, New York and over 30 other States including 2

Canadian Provinces.

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